
Sunday 29 September 2013

Bring along a sunny disposition...and an umbrella

Now, where was I?
Oh yes, food and Legoland.

Awesome food in unexpected places.

So, still a little on the hotel - I think we should have done waaay more reading when picking the hotel. Too late to eat at JB City Square (because it was already past 9pm when we were ready to head out for dinner), and too tired to go anywhere further, we walked around the area surrounding the hotel looking for food. 
It was also the sort of area where GM insisted I not bring along my handbag. Which contained my camera.

So when we finally stumbled upon this dirty back alley somewhere around the hotel that was just lined with food stalls, I did not have my camera handy.
And also I was pretty busy trying to avoid puddles, and keeping an eye out for rodents and other miscellaneous creaturs, which I just knew would be there.

Not very convinced, but really too tired to care, we all decided to give this place a go.
So here are my not very awesome iPhone photos:

From the top row: our boys doing the ordering while Doris and I got settled into our seats at our table, and I figured out how I'd position my seat so I avoid this constant drip of water that was coming from above, somewhere.
Middle row: Food that honestly didn't look like much. When it comes to ikan panggang, all you see is food drenched in oily, and oh so yummy sauce.

I'll let the last row speak for itself. Burp.

Now, the funnest place on earth.

Okay, I exaggerate.

Before the trip, lots of my colleagues were warning me that Legoland is going to be really hot, with little shade. And there also wouldn't be all that much to do. 
All kind of true. But as luck would have it, and as seen in the above pic, it was a pretty cloudy day when we got there. With few rides, and most of them being more suitable for kids, or adults with kids, I pretty much only went on one which was the dragon one. 
If you're one of those need-this-rush-to-feel-alive types, this probably won't do it for you. 

Be prepared to walk. A lot. And keep your eyes peeled.
What is awesome about the place, though, are all the little quirky details that you can just walk around and take in.
Like this fella over here, seen through the window on the way to the dragon ride.

Or these workmen "putting up" the signboards around the park.

And also pirate ships with a big red button just outside the display for you to fire the water canons on the ship at your pals.

Use with discretion - the water fires at approximately adult crotch level (perhaps that's only if you're as short as I am). And will most likely elicit a reflex WTF from your victim, who will feel sheepish after, given the number of kids around.

Other randomly cute things:

I could handle this. I think.

I also thought it was great how organized and child- & family-friendly the place was, what with all the stroller parking areas, and very, and I mean very pleasant staff. 

When it rained over lunchtime, which meant all the cafes were utter pandemonium, all of their staff remained really professional, and were really quick with all the clearing up, setting up extra chairs, rearranging tables to seat more groups etc. etc. I did not expect this at all from anywhere in Malaysia (don't get me started on my rants about customer service) and was really impressed!
By the time we were done with our surpirsingly good seafood tom yam pasta, there was also a balloon artist by the door, keeping all the kids happy campers. No wonder the sound of screaming children (one of my least favourite things in the world) was really quite negligible considering the number of kids there. 

Our next stop after lunch was the City Stage - simply because there still wasn't much we could do while it was still raining. 

When we went inside, I immediately wanted to run away. There's something about those interactive shows that get kids to volunteer, come up on stage, and dance around to annoyingly un-childlike music (in this case it was them trying to teach kids to do the Gangnam style dance, to the sound of Gentleman, ick) that just makes me cringe - even when I was the appropriate age to be one of the kid volunteers. 
So I stood by the entrance, willing the rain to stop, hoping to make a mad dash out of there. 

But damned their super efficient and organized staff, who can very politely but so firmly tell you to go sit down and stop blocking the stroller parking area. 

So we sat down, and my first very cynical thoughts were "So this is what happens to out of work dancers, beatboxers and DJs."

But okay, they were pretty good.

And of course, the trip wouldn't be complete without having bought something.


my super cute Lego key light.

and my super awesome Stormtrooper! 

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