
Friday 11 October 2013

Sometimes, all you need to do is ask

So, here's a short post before we all head out for another awesome weekend.

I'm pretty sure it's happened to all of us at some point or other. Or we might have even been guilty of this once or twice.
You're supposed to have a relaxing boardgames night in with the gang, when suddenly one in the group brings along someone they fancy, and keeps letting them win.
Or an awesome girls' night out. But someone brings her guy along as if it's the most natural thing in the world.

Well that didn't happen last weekend. 

Because, trivial as it may be, there are times I think most of us forget how to be more considerate people. So much so, I hadn't even realised that there was this very simple solution to situations like this. Until a friend of mine, one half of a very happy couple, presented the solution I didn't even know I needed.

She asked if she could bring her guy along. 

That was when we bought our tickets to Tiesto. 

Which was shortly after a disastrous evening where I thought I was headed out for a movie with my two friends, and a girl one of them had recently started seeing. Only when we met up did I find out that the other friend had brought someone along, too. Nevermind that he didn't have a shot with her. I could've at least been given a heads up. And maybe brought along someone I didn't have a shot with either. At least then I wouldn't be the odd person who didn't have someone sitting across from me at dinner. And I'd have someone to offer half of my humongous pile of mashed potatoes to without it being awkward.

"What? Are you crazy? Of course we'd never say no!" was our response when she asked. 
But the point is, she asked.

The result?

No surprises.
No awkward moments.
Lots of partying to awesome music. 
Everyone's happy.

Cheers to that.

Have a great weekend, everyone!

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