
Sunday 28 September 2014

Gifts: Time to Read

Three months ago, I had a couple of pretty harrowing conversations. 
One with the impressionable new intern who called me boss. At which point I responded that my boss is our boss. I'm just the one who has to guide him along the way.
And the other one with my boss, who told me here's my chance to learn how to be someone's boss. 
I've always been the baby, the one being mentored, the one getting advice. 
What the hell am I supposed to do when I'm supposed to actually be a mentor?
Three months down the line, it's time to bid adieu to the intern who almost seems like a permanent part of the team.
And, as part of his farewell present. here's how I've framed up what I think is the most important piece of advice I'd given in the past couple of months:
Along with the book I'd been talking about which had gotten a blank stare along with the answer 
"I don't have time to read books". 

Here's the whole set of things.
In case you're wondering, the orange thing is a "keep calm and" notebook. Wish I'd had time to go have a "Keep calm and WRITE THAT DOWN!" notebook made. That would be the second most important thing I've said to him the entire time. 

And yes, if you think that top item looks a little familiar on this blog, you're spot on. 
I love that stuff. And so does he.
Don't judge us.

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