
Saturday 10 August 2013

Dreaded Measurements

It was Sunday brunch, and I'd been pigging out on some really scrummy yogurt (more on where this was next time!), when D arrived with fiance in tow. 
So here's the thing - much earlier in the year, I knew I was going to be one of the bridesmaids. 
But then a couple of weeks ago....

Brunch was the first time we were meeting up since my appointment as M.O.H. and there was much to catch up on. Not easy to not feel like a completely useless M.O.H. from half the country away! First on the list of things to do: give D my measurements so that she can order the bridesmaids dresses.

What? So soon?

Yes. But don't worry, we'll have a fitting and then you can get the dress altered.

Phew. That buys me some time to work out. 
By the way, she showed me a photo of the dress we bridesmaids are supposed to wear. Let's just say I've got a lot of work to do on my shoulders, back and arms in addition to the tummy I already knew I had to lose. 
So when is this fitting?

Early September. 


Needless to say, the gym membership that I'd put off signing up for was signed and stamped the next day.

No kidding around this time.

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