
Thursday 10 July 2014

Interior Sketches

"Our homes should be designed around the way we live".

I couldn't agree more with Australian interior designer Shaynna Blaze. She gives this and other pieces of very good advice in her book Design Your Home.Sure, I salivate over well styled interiors featured in glossy magazines (and Pinterest) but in the every day life, I agree that practicality comes first. So when planning our new home, the hubby and I decided on a simple strategy; plan the practical (need to have) stuff first then slowly layer in the fluff (decorations and want to have stuff).

Here are some of our early sketches of what we wanted our interior layout to look like. It was important for us to roughly map out the placement of key pieces of furniture and work out the flow of the rooms.


Our early sketches also helped a lot in communicating our vision of the house to the contractor (having not hired an interior designer). They also went a long way in helping us make good and fast decisions when shopping for furniture, giving us a sense of what pieces were require, what extras we had room for and the rough dimensions of the furniture we could use.

I am so glad the hubby and I sat down to do this up front. I imagined it also helped the reduce the number of disagreements we might have had. Now as the renovation of the house is in progress, I'm even happier we also sat down to plan out lots more of the tiny details. Boy, did we really get down to the nitty-gritty. We even have drawings after drawings and a multitude of spreadsheets detailing locations of each of the electrical sockets (number of points carefully decided based on our usage), TV points, phone lines, LAN cable, lighting, fans, air cons etc. Can't help ourselves, both beings nerds by profession.

Maybe I'll share those in another post....we'll see.

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